Interface: 24. A Trunk Full of Adapters

One misty morning, you enter your garage. It’s dark, light streaming between the cracks of the door (don’t forget to call the door guy). You don’t remember driving home last night but you must have; there’s a car in here. Wiping the sleep from your eyes, you walk around to the driver’s side door. Weird, your car is bigger than that. Something slithers by, leaving a trail behind it. You whirl around at the faint sound of clattering hooves. The motion detector triggers the light, and all is revealed. A Chevy Bolt, a sniffling snake, an ill ibex, a podcast.


Interface: 23. 100 Words a Minute on Glass

Andrew is convinced that giving every student in a class a computer is a bad idea. Ian thinks it’s the way of the future, and almost a necessity for the kids of 2016.

Who is right? Who is wrong? Will these 2 ever agree on anything?

Find out as we discuss the use of technology in the classroom, and ways technology and the internet can be used to truly improve the classroom experience.


Interface: 22. A Receipt for Your Vote

It’s a weird year to joke about elections, but the current inconsistencies and design of many voting systems is a bit of a joke. Some votes are cast on paper, others on an electronic machine, and the layouts of the ballots can vary widely from precinct to precinct.

This week, we discuss some critical flaws in various ballot designs, and how the entire process could be simplified to offer a more frictionless and transparent experience.


Interface: 21. A Lack of Clarity

So you bought a 4K TV. And the new Xbox One S. And you’re paying the extra $2 to Netflix for “Ultra HD.” You fire everything up, and suddenly you realize – there’s not much worthwhile content to take advantage of all those bonus pixels. Finally, you settle on “Smurfs 2” (available in 4K), only to be greeted by buffering every few minutes.

There are many hurdles to 4K right now, but is it a consumer gimmick?


Interface: 20. If You Can Touch it With a Finger, You Can Touch it With a Mouse

After a long weekend, Andrew heads in to work, only to realize that his wireless keyboard and mouse are on his desk at home. After checking around the office, he decides his best option is to just suffer through using the touchscreen of his Surface 4 to work on editing a few pictures in Photoshop.

After an hour of effort, and almost no progress on the task, he downloads Pixelmator for his iPhone, and is able to edit the images in a matter of minutes, leaving him to wonder what good a touchscreen is if you’re stuck using mouse-based apps.


Interface: 19. A Sock You Have to Charge

Chase is a dad of 2, and Ian is about to be a dad, and Andrew was away on business, so this week, we take a quick dive into smart devices for kids (babies).

We also discuss how fitness wearables for adults offer motivation, and the desire for social elements in a fitness tracker.


Interface: 18. Google Loofa

When we were young, we would do and say what we wanted. For many of us, what seemed acceptable in the moment, later seemed like an embarrassing, stupid, or hurtful thing, but rarely had lasting evidence. Now, in an era of “everything online, all the time,” what can be done about the trail of dumb we leave behind?


Interface: 17. Sorry, I’m Going to Be The Liability

I’m not writing anything snarky or goofy about online toxicity. It’s bad, and whether or not you agree with the viewpoints of people who are expressing their opinions, no one deserves to receive constant abuse, death threats, and rape threats. Today, we talk about what can be done and what’s being done to combat online toxicity.

John Gabriel’s Greater Internet _______ Theory (we’re a clean show I guess?)
YikYak is garbage
@nero banned from Twitter forever
xkcd on free speech as a defense (read the alt text)
Periscope’s solution to online harrassment
Racism in Hearthstone
The Elo rating system
Dota2 player realizes he’s being a dick (report at eleven!)
Overwatch more popular than League of Legends in Korea
League of Legends is enormous
Jeff Lin of Riot discusses how they tested eliminating toxicity
Another Jeff Lin talk
Yet another Jeff Lin talk
More on Jeff’s experiments at Riot
A good overview on Riot’s attempts to curb harrassment
Ruining it for the rest of us
Dark patterns as a good thing
Riot using online metrics to deal with toxic, in-house employees
Overwatch is becoming famous for its low levels of toxicity
Online altruism
Overwatch gets one method of avoiding online abusers removed because it was being abused
Overwatch play-by-sound
Radiolab’s Trust Engineers
Everything is a Remix
Remakes that are better than the original


Interface: 16. A Lie is a Dark Pattern of Language

Ian is being crushed by a deluge of newsletter spam. They want conversions, he wants inbox zero! Later, he turns the tables and makes a million dollars tricking people into paying him three dollars every month for a service they don’t even know they are paying for.

Your writer was up late last night, so sorry about the show notes.


Interface: 15. Geodudes. The Only Dudes I Like.

After a terrible, tragicly unfortunate event, Ian’s original recording of this episode was lost, leaving us no option but to re-record, as to not miss our Monday deadline. Fortunately, we pinned our show notes to a virtual bulletin board and were able to cover a super popular game! But is it even a game, or is it something else?

The much hyped PokémonGo, augmented reality (AR), and how the new wave of AR apps could leverage social elements.

Go play Pokémon Go!