Interface: 34. A Market of Artificial Musicians

The year is 2016, and the worlds biggest musical star is putting the finishing touches on their new album. Then, from down the hall, they hear their mother call for dinner. They quickly hit command-s to save their changes, close their laptop, and head off to eat. The entire album being produced on a $900 computer, without the need for any instruments or musical theory, that MacBook Air contains a gold mine.


Interface: 33. Different Times and Different Places

With the Thanksgiving holiday just past us, we ran into a multitude of scheduling conflicts. Chase is in the middle of moving across the country, Andrew is traveling with his new wife, and Ian was finding it hard to work around a newborn schedule. Fortunately, there are tons of tools available now that allow for collaboration without needing to depend on others to be working at the same time.

The results of this experiment are weird. We probably won’t do it again.


Interface: 32. The Prospect of Being Somebody’s Burrito Guy

Hey, guys! Super great to see you here again! #InterfacePodcast! We just wanted to tell you about all the great non-jobs available now! Thanks for checking the episode out! Link in bio for our favorite online retailer! Be sure to like, share, and subscribe! #VoiceByChase #OtherVoiceByIan #LogicProX #Podcast #Interface!


Interface: 31. Marketplace of Infinite First Dates

Ian just bought a MacBook on eBay, and now the seller has disappeared with his money. Chase just sold his car to a guy he met on Craigslist, but not after some shady meet-ups. These tools have been around for years, and regardless of how questionable they may be at times, people love them or people hate them. If only there were a more centralized place that held us all accountable for buying and selling things – like a store, but on the internet.


Interface: 30. Here’s Your Sandbox, Go Play In It

When we were kids, our parents sent us outside to go play and use our imagination, get dirty, and cause mischief. Now, thanks to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) focused “toys,” kids can build robots, program them to pick up their room, and do it all while learning to program a game. This leaves the guys at an impasse – is imaginative creativity, or structured “follow-the-rules” play better?


Interface: 29. Pizza Robots

Alert: You slept for sixteen minutes and twenty-seven seconds less last night than your six-month average. Expert sleepers typically stay within one standard deviation (five minutes) of their average sleep time; consider going to bed eleven minutes earlier tonight to recover your average and maintain optimum cognition. This information will automatically be added to your personal report. For your safety, your car has also been notified and you have been limited to twelve minutes of driving above the speed limit for the duration of your commute. You have visitors tonight; your joint playlist has been tweaked towards low-BPM songs to encourage you to sleep at the recommended time. Good morning.


Interface: 28. Sticks of Gum for Controllers

You just got off work and get on the bus to head home. Instead of checking Twitter (again), you decide to do a little gaming. You pull out your portable console and the 2 bite-sized controllers, only to notice the person across from you is watching curiously. You offer up one of the controllers and play a round of Mario Kart. Turns out™, it’s hard for both of you to see such a small screen, and that little thumb drive of a controller is pretty awkward to maneuver with 2 hands. It’s the future of console gaming – and it’s awkward at best.


Interface: 27. 100% of Your Money On Sticker Packs

First thing this morning, I bought $12,000 worth of “premium” stickers for email. The problem is, they’ve all degraded and now I can’t tell what any of them are. Due to a glitch in the sticker implementation, only I see the degradation — everyone else can tell what they are. That’s why Oma got a sticker of a drone holding an offensive sign and my wife got a picture of Chase. Even that would be okay, but the worst part is that I can’t even make myself breakfast because I don’t have any money left to renew my smarthome lightbulb subscription.


Interface: 26. I’m Such a Green Bubbler

Chase was a smartphone skeptic, until he owned a smartphone. Then he was an Android lover, until he tried the iPhone. Now he’s weighing his options and trying to choose the right device for his needs. What can the Android do that the iPhone can’t? Where does the iPhone excel? Can his workflows be adjusted to work with a new platform, or is the cost of switching too high?


Interface: 25. The Original Gangsters of Minecraft

Andrew wrote the following paragraph of the show notes. It is meaningless. Devin Sloan chats with Andrew about video games (huge surprise…). Topics include arcades, local multiplayer, playing games online, the origin and rise of Minecraft, and board games

Son, meet Pac-Man. Daughter, meet Pac-Man. Wife, let’s Pac-Man. Pac-Man, prepare for doom. Dark Souls, hardcore, normcore, co-op. Play on your couch, don’t play with your internet friends! Unless you play Minecraft, but then only play it next to each other. Don’t look at their face, just focus on the controller. She’s a Killer Queen / quiplashing, drawful / dynamite with Rocket League / guaranteed to kick your butt / UpDown.