Final Cut Pro X

So last week I downloaded FCP X for our computers in the multimedia lab. Like most post-production people out there, I had my doubts and concerns about what exactly Apple was doing. My initial impression, FCP X is a glorified version of iMovie (the new one – the one that can’t really do anything). There was a time 6 or so years ago when iMovie was a reasonable program. There was a lot you couldn’t do, but there was a certain level of professionalism that I admired. Then iMovie ’08 (version 7) hit, and it was a complete change. I could no longer stand to use it, which was fortunate, because I had spent the previous 4 years learning how to edit in Final Cut. Final Cut was it, the software that had all the features I could ever need (save for “3D” depth & motion graphics – later to arrive in Motion & in my learning of After Effects). I have been editing with Final Cut now for 8+ years and with the release of FCP X, I had big concerns.

This redesign is a joke, if you ask me. Where did all the ease of Final Cut go. I feel like Apple tried to make it more “simplified” for the users, encouraging more people to get into video and fill in that prosumer gap in the video production market – but why take the trusted Final Cut Pro line and kill it off? Is this really the end of Final Cut as a professional level editor? Will Apple realize the mistake they’ve made, and retitle this to iMovie Pro (as I’ve seen kicked around on the web)? Or will this be an offspring of the Final Cut line, perhaps the new Final Cut Express? I certainly hope Apple does something, because there is an entire market that depends on their video editing software, and I can’t imagine anyone taking me seriously if I were applying for a post-production job and I were to say “I’m proficient in Final Cut Pro X, hire me!” It seems a little like applying for a babysitting job saying “I’m great with kids! I had a pet gold fish for 3 weeks!”

If Apple wants to compete, something needs to change. I’m not about to switch to Windows to use Premier (although from what I’ve seen, the newest version isn’t awful)… and unless something major has changed lately, Avid doesn’t seem like a good option… I guess I’ll just stick to FCP 7, and hope that Apple comes to their senses and makes things right for us all!

Maybe you disagree? Hit the comments below to share your thoughts!


I’m on day 2 of completely reformatting and reinstalling software on the computers in our lab at Waldorf. I’m on my final computer, and tomorrow get to move to a new room and continue doing the same for 3 more computers. And it has led me to a few things I’m excited for….

-OSx Lion – hopefully a nice smooth transition

-Software that isn’t disc based – installing from files on a server is handy

-A way to move computer settings from machine to machine to ultimately save me 3-5 minutes per computer.

I also got the privilege to choose the new computer theme for the lab… 3 years ago, the lab was changed from each machine being names after 1 of the 12 apostles to 12 different Dr. Suess characters. This year, I chose something near and dear to my heart…. Star Wars. Each machine is named after a planet in the Star Wars solar system. The instructors computer – the Death Star. My laptop will also be receiving a name to coincide with the theme – Naboo.

Mobile uncertainty…

I’m not sure why, but for the last week or so, I’ve been very torn about what mobile phone I prefer.

2 years ago, I signed up for AT&T and picked up this joke of a phone – the Pantec Slate

(please take a moment to laugh at it’s beauty – or lack there-of…  about 5 months later, my wife (fiance at the time) and I decided we should be on a phone plan together – ditching her parents contract, her LG chocolate, and Verizon – to get on AT&T with me… we scored a deal with the AT&T rep that got us each iPhone 3G’s, and I was on to a smarter, better phone.

Being the Apple fanatic I am, it was perfect… it looked right at home with my macbook, cinema display, and my lifestyle… It was awesome!

6 more months pass, and we relocate to norther Iowa… and not much to my surprise, AT&T has

terrible coverage in the area… so terrible, in fact, that they inform me that my “Off Network” usage is too hight, and that they will disable my ability to access the internet with my iPhone unless I’m on AT&T’s network – and I still get to pay the $30/month/line to have data… That wasn’t cool with me… so I talk to a rep, he says we can get out of our contract without the termination fee!  I say “Deal” and I start looking for a new carrier…. Big Red.

Verizon doesn’t carry the iPhone at this point (early 2010) – so I weigh the options and choose the original Moto Droid – “The brick” if you will” – for my wife and I… and we HATE it.

I find a deal through work where I can buy a slightly used (read: Practically new) BlackBerry Tour – and I bite… and I love it… something about the lack of excess on it is just perfect… and that keyboard – RIM deserves a medal for their keyboard, it’s phenomenal – and I rock that for almost a year…

Then Verizon picks up the iPhone 4 – and of course, I do what I do best – I get the techy toy and I bask in the glory that is another new Apple product – and one that matches my iPad and Macbook – I have the full set!


But it’s been about 5 months since I got my iPhone back, and I’m starting to miss my Tour… what about BlackBerry makes it so appealing… why am I so tempted to pop into the Verizon store and have them swap devices?  I just don’t get it… it doesn’t seem right…


What to do… with iOS 5 coming, I’m gonna stick to my guns and hang on to the iPhone… who knows, maybe the iPhone 4S/5 will seal it.


[images: property of & – via google images]


So I recently read about Square. You know, the little credit card reader that plugs into the headphone jack of your iPhone or iPad. It’s a great idea – and I started thinking…..

Being from a small town, I don’t go to half the places around because they only take cash or check.  Cash is a pain – if I have it, it’s gone right away… I feel like it’s ok to spend cause I know I can’t overdraft and I’d never pay my bills with it.  Checks suck cause you write a check and a week later (if you’re lucky) it comes out of your account – and during that time, you want to be sure you factor for it in your balance… Obviously card is the way to go – and Square is a step towards the future… Small towns need this. For $500, you can buy an iPad – you get the square for free and pay almost nothing for each transaction – and now all the mom-and-pop businesses can start taking card.

To add to this, Square is starting to introduce Card Case – think of it as having a store credit card for everywhere you love to go… only without the ridiculous fees and all the obnoxious emails & “special offers.”  It’s a way to link your bank account to your profile, and for a store/shop to charge your profile with your consent.  You don’t even have to touch your wallet.

I had heard rumors of Near Field Communications (NFC) – which is a way to swipe your mobile device and have it contain your bank/credit information to be charged.  It involved extra sensors and the risk of losing your phone and someone having your phone and all your money at their fingertips.  Card Case seems like a much safer, more logical spin on it. Those folks over at Square have their stuff figured out.  And how can you not like them, Jack Dorsey (one of the founders of Twitter) started it.

Now if only there was a way to work for Square as a marketing person… I’d be killer at that.

Check out Square!

Let me know what you think!