Interface: 57. How Much is Somebody Worth?

On the face of it, $10/month seems like a great deal for unlimited movie theater tickets. That is, until you realize that there is a hidden cost to seeing every new Marvel or DC movie to hit the cinema – incessant advertisements in your email promoting every new action figure, poster, video game, kids toy, or special Spiderman themed food item at Walmart. In reality, you are subsidizing your movie habits with personal information that advertisers are buying at a premium, just to get their marketing in front of your eyes.


Interface: 56. Etsy for Things in Development (S2E02)

Ian pledged $50 to get a glorified selfie stick, but only half of it has been shipped. Chase spent $100 on a video game that may or may not actually be made one day. A combination of physical and phycological factors lead to successful campaigns on crowdfunding platforms, but sometimes even the most convincing sales pitches turn out to be much less impressive – so what makes people willing to hand over their money?


Interface: 55. A Thumb Drive Full of Cat GIFs (S2E01)

Don’t call it a comeback, we’ve been here for months! That’s the song that introduced me to hip-hop, and I listened to my mp3 of it over and over before the bitrate degraded too much for WinAmp to play it anymore. It was my copy, but every time I put it on a new hard drive it got a little fuzzier. I don’t know why I’m explaining this; you know how DRM works. Eventually I farmed out enough spare CPU cycles that I could afford another copy, but by that time (of course) I was just buying the rights to the song anyway.

Destroy before sharing (or is it just improving?)
The rarest digital video game
DRM sucks!
Spotify has a lot of users
Hang out with your buddies in VR


Interface: 52. The Background Music of Your Life

Some people take tens of photos every month. Other people take thousands. With the immediacy and accessibility of photography in the modern world, is a photograph as meaningful or valuable as it was when you paid for film? And what do we do with out 10,000 photos once we’ve collected them?


Interface: 51. Open Offices Never Work Like That

After a week of celebrating our 1-year Birthday, the trio is back with a look at working remotely – that is, embracing the home office and still working on things that exist within the traditional business sense. It takes skill, focus, and self-motivation, but it can be a wonderful reprieve from the traditional office, especially when replacing your coworkers isn’t a viable option.


Interface: 50. What is TV?

If you’ve been a long time listener, you might recall episode 7, where we discussed TV consumption and streaming TV. Now, in 315-day-old follow-up, Chase has cancelled SlingTV and Ian is testing out the recently released YouTube TV. The question is, outside of sports, does anybody watch anything live? And is the TV (as in the panel on your wall or entertainment center) becoming a relic of the past?